Obmedzenie portu 3306 cez firewall PF

Dan Lukes dan at obluda.cz
Sun Jun 6 12:31:34 CEST 2021

Frantisek Hennel wrote on 06.06.2021 12:10:
> table <mwhite> persist file "/etc/pf.mysqlwhite.ip.conf"
> pass in quick on $ext_if from <mwhite> to any port 3306
> block return in log (all) quick on $ext_if from any to any port 3306
> Reloading pf rules.
> /etc/pf.conf:6: port only applies to tcp/udp
> /etc/pf.conf:7: port only applies to tcp/udp

I me tam schazelo "proto tcp". Jak jsi psal, ze PF pouzivas (a ja ne), 
soustredil jsme se na hlavni myslenku a neresil tolik detaily zapisu, 
ktery nejspis znas lip nez ja.


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