FreeBSD 11.0 - mail tls auth pop imap

Jozef Drahovsky freebsdcz2 at
Tue Mar 14 11:36:57 CET 2017

Na FreeBSD 11.0 sa hram s moznostami mailu a vyzera to byt narocnejsie 
nez som odhadoval.
Aby som nemusel riesit ci lepsi je  sendmail alebo postfix, tak som si 
vytvoril dva servery a  na jednom mam:
sendmail+tls+sasl2-8.15.2_3 a na druhom postfix-sasl-3.1.4,1

Zakladny mail na portoch 25 az 587 aj autorizacia mi funguje, ale  tls 
sluzbu na porte 465 som zatial nerozchodil,
mozno robim nejaku principialnu chybu. Ma niekto odskusany postup pre 
sendmail a postfix na usetrenie casu?

Druha otazka, kde si rad necham poradit, ktory pop a imap dnes pouzit 
(uzivatelia su v passwd)?

Pozeral som packages, niektore veci vypadli, ale aj tak je na vyber viac 
cyrus-imapd23-2.3.19_2         The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 
and IMAP4 protocols
cyrus-imapd24-2.4.18_4         The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 
and IMAP4 protocols
cyrus-imapd25-2.5.10           The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 
and IMAP4 protocols
courier-imap-4.16.2_2,2        IMAP (and POP3) server that provides 
access to Maildir mailboxes
imap-uw-2007f_1,1              University of Washington 
IMAP4rev1/POP2/POP3 mail servers
bincimap-1.2.13_2              Light-weight IMAP server for Maildir
akpop3d-0.7.7                  POP3 daemon aimed to be small and secure
dovecot-1.2.17_6               Secure and compact IMAP and POP3 servers
dovecot2-2.2.27_4              Secure, fast and powerful IMAP and POP3 


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