Pocitanie odslanych a prijatych mailov

freebsd at koceri.net freebsd at koceri.net
Wed Mar 5 09:47:37 CET 2008

Dobry den,
pouzivam podobnou konfiguraci a statistiky generuji pomoci
se kterym jsem nadmiru spokojen (jednoducha instalace, pouziti a 
prijemny vystup)

pflogsumm.pl is designed to provide an over-view of postfix
activity, with just enough detail to give the administrator
a "heads up" for potential trouble spots. The following is
an over-view of the reports produced:
* Total number of:
         * Messages received, delivered, deferred, bounced and forwarded
         * Bytes in messages received and delivered
         * Sending and Recipient Hosts/Domains
         * Senders and Recipients
         * Optional SMTPD totals for number of connections

and many many more.

WWW: http://jimsun.LinxNet.com/postfix_contrib.html


> Dobry den.
> Mam server s FreeBSD. Je tam Postfix, Maildrop a virtualne mailove domeny
> cez MySQL. Je nejak mozne ukladat informaciu o pocte odoslanych a
> prijatych sprav v ramci domeny (ulozena v mysql) ak uzivatelia pouzivaju
> ako POP3 a SMTP server ten moj.
> Dakujem za nakopnutie.
> Roman

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