prosim o pomoc s DNS

Jaroslav Votruba jaroslav.votruba at
Wed Feb 6 13:48:45 CET 2008

v messages je

Feb  6 13:33:26 test63 named[572]: starting BIND 9.3.4-P1 -t /var/named 
-u bind
Feb  6 13:33:26 test63 named[572]: /etc/namedb/named.conf:15: couldn't 
find key 'rndckey' for use with command channel
Feb  6 13:33:26 test63 named[572]: command channel listening on
Feb  6 13:33:26 test63 named[572]: logging channel 'dns_cache_log': not 
Feb  6 13:33:26 test63 named[572]: configuring logging: not found
Feb  6 13:33:26 test63 named[572]: loading configuration: not found
Feb  6 13:33:26 test63 named[572]: exiting (due to fatal error)

ale rndckey jsem generoval  rndc-confgen -a a je vytvoreny. Co se tyce 
druhe radky v configu je

    channel debug {                                                     
#   nazev kanalu
    file "/var/log/dns_cache.log" versions 3 size 2m;                   
#   nazev logu-budou rotovat 3 verze po max 2M
    severity debug 5;                                                   
#   ukecanost
    print-time yes;                                                     
#   jestli ma zapisovat cas
    print-severity yes;                                                 
#   zapis o nastaveni ukecanosti v logu
    print-category yes;                                                 
#   zapis kategorie co se bude logovat
    category dnssec{                                                    
#   definice dnssec bude logovat do dns_cache.log

ten soubor ve var je vytvoreny s pravy rw-r--r-- pro root:wheel , takze 
do nej asi named nema pristup, neverim tomu,ze by named bezel pod 
rootem. Pod jakym uzivatelem vlaste name ma behat?

config je taky na spravnym miste se stejnymi pravy jako log soubor.

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