zbavit se dhcpd a named: v messages

Jan Stary hans at stare.cz
Fri Sep 7 15:12:00 CEST 2007

On Sep 07 13:56:16, Daniel Dvořák wrote:
> Bohuzel man page k syslog.conf je pro me necitelny. Zadny jasny
> priklad tam neni.

     		A configuration file might appear as follows:

		# Log all kernel messages, authentication messages of
		# level notice or higher, and anything of level err or
		# higher to the console.
		# Don't log private authentication messages!
		*.err;kern.*;auth.notice;authpriv.none /dev/console

Uprav si to pro svoji facilitu.

> Man page dhcpd.conf rika jasne ze default log-facility je local7
> a vsechny jeho levly.

Nikoli, default log facility je local7.

	 The message is tagged with priority.  Priorities are encoded as
	 a facility and a level.  The facility describes the part of the
	 system generating the message.  The level is selected from
	 the following ordered (high to low) list: [...]

Jen pro uplnost: SIGHUPnul jsi syslog pote, co jsi mu zmenil

> Nevim jestli se ptam spatne ze mi nikdo nerozumi, me prijde zadani
> zcela jasne, potrebuji stav kdy dhcpd demon neloguje sva jakakoliv
> hlaseni do var log messages a nejsem s to dosahnout tohoto cile.

Smyslem syslog.conf je rict syslogu, co ma kam logovat;
pricemz nic jineho se pak nikam neloguje. Paklize se 
tedy messages od dhcpd vubec nekam loguji, deje se to proto,
ze jsi to tak rekl v syslog.conf


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