Jak na kontrolu minor/major zmen v portech ?

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at quip.cz
Sat Mar 25 11:45:28 CET 2006

Marian Cerny wrote:
> On 2006-03-24 23:02 +0100, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
>>>>>	portversion -l "<" -v | egrep -v -- '-([0-9][^ _]*)(_.*)? .*\1_'
>>>>Absolutne nechapu proc, ale u me na FreeBSD 4.11 to funguje nejak 
>>Pokud to udelam s ulozenim do souboru:
>>portversion -l "<" -v > portversion_all
>>a nasledne to z toho souboru poslu do egrepu
>>cat portversion_all | egrep -v -- '-([0-9][^ _]*)(_.*)? .*\1_'
>>tak to funguje dle ocekavani, ale pokud to znovu zkusim udelat primo, 
>>znovu to "orizne konec".
> Zaujimave. Podivne.
> Tieto prikazy funguju? :
> portversion -l "<" -v | egrep -- '-([0-9][^ _]*)(_.*)? .*\1_'
> portversion -l "<" -v | cat | egrep -v -- '-([0-9][^ _]*)(_.*)? .*\1_'
> portversion -l "<" -v | tee /tmp/a | egrep -v -- '-([0-9][^ _]*)(_.*)? .*\1_'
> portversion -l "<" -v | random -f - | egrep -v -- '-([0-9][^ _]*)(_.*)? .*\1_'

# portversion -l "<" -v | egrep -- '-([0-9][^ _]*)(_.*)? .*\1_'
ghostscript-gnu-7.07_14     <  needs updating (port has 7.07_15)
mbmon-205                   <  needs updating (port has 205_1)
mysql-server-4.1.18         <  needs updating (port has 4.1.18_2)
nmap-4.01                   <  needs updating (port has 4.01_1)
p5-Net-Server-0.90          <  needs updating (port has 0.90_1)
tidy-devel-051026_1         <  needs updating (port has 051026_2)

# portversion -l "<" -v | cat | egrep -v -- '-([0-9][^ _]*)(_.*)? .*\1_'
courier-imap-4.0.6_1,1      <  needs updating (port has 4.1.0,1)
mod_php4-4.4.0,1            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1,1)
openssl-stable-0.9.7i       <  needs updating (port has 0.9.8a)
p5-Archive-Tar-1.28         <  needs updating (port has 1.29)
p5-Digest-1.14              <  needs updating (port has 1.15)
p5-PathTools-3.16           <  needs updating (port has 3.17)
p5-YAML-0.39                <  needs updating (port has 0.58)
pecl-zip-1.0                <  needs updating (port has 1.2.1)
php4-bz2-4.4.0              <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-ctype-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-curl-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-dba-4.4.0              <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-dbase-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-dbx-4.4.0              <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-domxml-4.4.0           <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-exif-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-ftp-4.4.0              <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-gd-4.4.0               <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-gettext-4.4.0          <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-iconv-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-imap-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-ldap-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-mbstring-4.4.0         <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-mcrypt-4.4.0           <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-mhash-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-ming-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-mysql-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-openssl-4.4.0          <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-overload-4.4.0         <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-pcre-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-pgsql-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-posix-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)

# portversion -l "<" -v | tee /tmp/a | egrep -v -- '-([0-9][^ _]*)(_.*)? 
courier-imap-4.0.6_1,1      <  needs updating (port has 4.1.0,1)
mod_php4-4.4.0,1            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1,1)
openssl-stable-0.9.7i       <  needs updating (port has 0.9.8a)
p5-Archive-Tar-1.28         <  needs updating (port has 1.29)
p5-Digest-1.14              <  needs updating (port has 1.15)
p5-PathTools-3.16           <  needs updating (port has 3.17)
p5-YAML-0.39                <  needs updating (port has 0.58)
pecl-zip-1.0                <  needs updating (port has 1.2.1)
php4-bz2-4.4.0              <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-ctype-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-curl-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-dba-4.4.0              <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-dbase-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-dbx-4.4.0              <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-domxml-4.4.0           <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-exif-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-ftp-4.4.0              <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-gd-4.4.0               <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-gettext-4.4.0          <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-iconv-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-imap-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-ldap-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-mbstring-4.4.0         <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-mcrypt-4.4.0           <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-mhash-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-ming-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-mysql-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-openssl-4.4.0          <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-overload-4.4.0         <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-pcre-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-pgsql-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-posix-4.4.0            <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-session-4.4.0          <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-sockets-4.4.0          <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-tokenizer-4.4.0        <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-wddx-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-xml-4.4.0              <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-xslt-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
php4-zlib-4.4.0             <  needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1)
tiff-3.8.0_1                <  needs updating (port has 3.8.1)

# portversion -l "<" -v | random -f - | egrep -v -- '-([0-9][^ 
_]*)(_.*)? .*\1_'
random: Command not found.

> Ako podla mna ten egrep dostava data presne tym istym sposobom v oboch
> pripadoch:

To si myslim taky, ale asi tomu tak neni, jenze ja netusim proc.

> cat portversion_all   | egrep -v -- '-([0-9][^ _]*)(_.*)? .*\1_'
> portversion -l "<" -v | egrep -v -- '-([0-9][^ _]*)(_.*)? .*\1_'
> Nemate tam niekde nejaky preklep?

Vsechno je kopirovane rovnou z okna Putty, takze kdybych tam mel 
preklep, byl by videt i zde v e-mailu.

Jeste asi stoji za doplneni to, ze tam, kde dojde ke zkraceni toho 
vypisu, chybi na konci znak konce radku a prompt se zobrazi na konci 
posledniho radku. Tedy tako:
... needs updating (port has 4.4.2_1) root at home /root/#
V ostatnich pripadech je spravne az pod tim vypisem.
Zkratka to vypada, jako ze se tomu egrepu ani nedostanou vsechna data.

Miroslav Lachman

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