Replikace / redundance na dvou serverech

Martin Hudec corwin at
Thu Oct 27 12:02:49 CEST 2005


On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 11:15:48AM +0200 or thereabouts, Martin Hudec wrote:
>   Hmm, tak to ano. S 5.0.x vedia byt problemy napriklad pri delayed
>   insertoch (insertovanie cca 250MB dat cez perl DBI/DBD, problem mozno
>   v DBI/DBD libke perlu neviem) alebo s left join selectami, skusim
>   zistit viac info.

  Nasiel som tu informaciu o zmenach v JOIN selectoch, ak clovek pise
  sql queries tak, ako mu huba narastla, tak by bolo dobre do uvahy
  vziat aj info na

martin hudec

   * 421 907 303 393
   * corwin at

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