se t630 gprs ppp usb-kabel

Jiří Kropáček jiri.kropacek at
Thu Aug 11 10:01:47 CEST 2005

Dobrý den.
	Vždy jsem si říkal, že mi k životu a zprovoznění čehokoli stačí "man -
examples - google", ale bohužel se mi nedaří a tak bych rád poprosil o
pomoc, kde že se chybička vloudila.
	Pro připojení k netu používám SE T630 (t-mobile data unlimited) ,
usb-kabel a ppp. Již na počátku jsem vygooglil několik návodů i na této
konfeře a po několika pokusech a úpravách zprovoznil - ale :
	zpočátku se mi dařilo připojit na poprvé, nyní již na druhý až cca pátý
pokus a spojení "drží" pár minut až celý den. Mám pocit, že to může
dělat ten usb-kabel (pokud to někdy zničeho nic spadne, tak je též v
hláškách carrier lost ..., ale na telefonu je porad "zeměkoulička", tedy
že je připojen ? - musím ho odpojit od kabelu a pokus opakovat).
 Následuje výpis, kdy se to na podruhé povedlo (i když asi po půl hodině
opět carrier lost ....).
 Už si opravdu nevím rady (přiznávám, že ppp moc nerozumím - sice vidím
např. že "expected timeout" následně "chat script failed", ale co s tím
?) a rád bych aby mi připojení naběhlo při startu pc (což se mi párkrát
povedlo, ale když nenabíhá hned na poprvé, tak raději točím růčo). Za
každou radu předem děkuji. (některé řádky jsou úmyslně zalomeny, kvuli
čtení a pokud budou potřeba další logy, dejte vědět).
FreeBSD 5.4 stable, usb-serial kabel (ucom0), jádro vlastní), problém
přetrvává s puštěným firewalem i bez.
-- ppp.conf -------------------

 set log local Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command
 ident user-ppp VERSION (built COMPILATIONDATE)
 set device /dev/ucom0
 set speed 115200
 set ctsrts off

                ABORT NO\\sDIALTONE\
                \"\" AT OK \
                AT+CGDCONT=1,\\\"IP\\\",\\\"\\\" OK \
                ATDT*99# CONNECT"

 set timeout 0
 disable lqr
 set authname gprs
 set authkey gprs
# set timeout 300

 set ifaddr

# set ifaddr 0 0
 add default HISADDR

-- ppp.conf ---------------

budulinek# ppp
Working in interactive mode
Using interface: tun0
tun0: Command: default: ident user-ppp VERSION (built COMPILATIONDATE)
tun0: Command: default: set device /dev/ucom0
tun0: Command: default: set speed 115200
tun0: Command: default: set ctsrts off
tun0: Command: default: set dial ABORT BUSY ABORT ERROR ABORT NO\sANSWER
   AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"\" OK
tun0: Command: default: set timeout 0
tun0: Command: default: disable lqr
tun0: Command: default: set authname gprs
tun0: Command: default: set authkey ********
tun0: Command: default: set ifaddr
tun0: Command: default: add default HISADDR
tun0: Phase: PPP Started (interactive mode).
ppp ON budulinek> dial
tun0: Command: /dev/ttyp1: dial
tun0: Phase: bundle: Establish
tun0: Phase: deflink: closed -> opening
tun0: Phase: deflink: Connected!
tun0: Phase: deflink: opening -> dial
tun0: Chat: deflink: Dial attempt 1 of 1
ppp ON budulinek> tun0: Chat: Send: AT
tun0: Chat: Expect(30): OK
tun0: Chat: Received: H\uffff
tun0: Chat: Expect timeout
tun0: Warning: Chat script failed
tun0: Phase: deflink: dial -> hangup
tun0: Warning: deflink: Unable to set physical to speed 0
tun0: Phase: deflink: Disconnected!
tun0: Warning: deflink: Unable to set physical to speed 0
tun0: Phase: deflink: Connect time: 31 secs: 0 octets in, 0 octets out
tun0: Phase: deflink: 0 packets in, 0 packets out
tun0: Phase:  total 0 bytes/sec, peak 0 bytes/sec on Wed Aug 10 22:43:18
tun0: Phase: deflink: hangup -> closed
tun0: Phase: bundle: Dead
ppp ON budulinek> dial          /*----------- muj druhy pokus -----*/
tun0: Command: /dev/ttyp1: dial
tun0: Phase: bundle: Establish
tun0: Phase: deflink: closed -> opening
tun0: Phase: deflink: Connected!
tun0: Phase: deflink: opening -> dial
tun0: Chat: deflink: Dial attempt 1 of 1
ppp ON budulinek> tun0: Chat: Send: AT
tun0: Chat: Expect(30): OK
tun0: Chat: Received: OAT
tun0: Chat: Received: OK
tun0: Chat: Send: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""
tun0: Chat: Expect(30): OK
tun0: Chat: Received: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""
tun0: Chat: Received: OK
tun0: Chat: Send: ATDT*99#
tun0: Chat: Expect(30): CONNECT
tun0: Chat: Received: ATDT*99#
tun0: Chat: Received: CONNECT
tun0: Phase: deflink: dial -> carrier
tun0: Phase: deflink: /dev/ucom0: CD detected
tun0: Phase: deflink: carrier -> login
tun0: Phase: deflink: login -> lcp
tun0: LCP: FSM: Using "deflink" as a transport
tun0: LCP: deflink: State change Initial --> Closed
tun0: LCP: deflink: State change Closed --> Stopped
tun0: LCP: deflink: LayerStart
tun0: LCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(1) state = Stopped
tun0: LCP:  ACFCOMP[2]
tun0: LCP:  PROTOCOMP[2]
tun0: LCP:  ACCMAP[6] 0x00000000
tun0: LCP:  MRU[4] 1500
tun0: LCP:  MAGICNUM[6] 0x0e503a7b
tun0: LCP: deflink: State change Stopped --> Req-Sent
tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvConfigReq(1) state = Req-Sent
tun0: LCP:  ACCMAP[6] 0x00000000
tun0: LCP:  PROTOCOMP[2]
tun0: LCP:  ACFCOMP[2]
tun0: LCP:  AUTHPROTO[4] 0xc023 (PAP)
tun0: LCP: deflink: SendConfigAck(1) state = Req-Sent
tun0: LCP:  ACCMAP[6] 0x00000000
tun0: LCP:  PROTOCOMP[2]
tun0: LCP:  ACFCOMP[2]
tun0: LCP:  AUTHPROTO[4] 0xc023 (PAP)
tun0: LCP: deflink: State change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvConfigRej(1) state = Ack-Sent
tun0: LCP: deflink: SendIdent(0) state = Ack-Sent
tun0: LCP:  MAGICNUM 0e503a7b
tun0: LCP:  TEXT user-ppp 3.4.2 (built Jul 29 2005)
tun0: LCP:  MAGICNUM[6] 0x0e503a7b
tun0: LCP:  Magic 0x0e503a7b is REJected!
tun0: LCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(2) state = Ack-Sent
tun0: LCP:  ACFCOMP[2]
tun0: LCP:  PROTOCOMP[2]
tun0: LCP:  ACCMAP[6] 0x00000000
tun0: LCP:  MRU[4] 1500
tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvCodeRej(3) state = Ack-Sent
tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvConfigAck(2) state = Ack-Sent
tun0: LCP:  ACFCOMP[2]
tun0: LCP:  PROTOCOMP[2]
tun0: LCP:  ACCMAP[6] 0x00000000
tun0: LCP:  MRU[4] 1500
tun0: LCP: deflink: State change Ack-Sent --> Opened
tun0: LCP: deflink: LayerUp
tun0: LCP: deflink: SendIdent(1) state = Opened
tun0: LCP:  MAGICNUM 00000000
tun0: LCP:  TEXT user-ppp 3.4.2 (built Jul 29 2005)
tun0: Phase: bundle: Authenticate
tun0: Phase: deflink: his = PAP, mine = none
tun0: Phase: Pap Output: gprs ********
Ppp ON budulinek> tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvCodeRej(4) state = Opened
tun0: Phase: Pap Input: SUCCESS ()
tun0: IPCP: Using trigger address
tun0: CCP: FSM: Using "deflink" as a transport
tun0: CCP: deflink: State change Initial --> Closed
tun0: CCP: deflink: LayerStart.
tun0: CCP: MPPE: Not usable without CHAP81
tun0: CCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(1) state = Closed
tun0: CCP:  DEFLATE[4] win 15
tun0: CCP:  PRED1[2]
tun0: CCP: deflink: State change Closed --> Req-Sent
tun0: Phase: deflink: lcp -> open
tun0: Phase: bundle: Network
tun0: IPCP: FSM: Using "deflink" as a transport
tun0: IPCP: deflink: State change Initial --> Closed
tun0: IPCP: deflink: LayerStart.
tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(1) state = Closed
tun0: IPCP:  IPADDR[6]
tun0: IPCP:  COMPPROTO[6] 16 VJ slots with slot compression
tun0: IPCP: deflink: State change Closed --> Req-Sent
PPp ON budulinek> tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvProtocolRej(5) state = Opened
tun0: LCP: deflink: -- Protocol 0x80fd (Compression Control Protocol)
was rejected!
tun0: CCP: deflink: State change Req-Sent --> Stopped
tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvProtocolRej(6) state = Opened
tun0: LCP: deflink: -- Protocol 0x8057 (Internet Protocol V6 Control
Protocol) was rejected!
tun0: Phase: deflink: IPV6CP protocol reject closes IPV6CP !
tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvProtocolRej(7) state = Opened
tun0: LCP: deflink: -- Protocol 0x8057 (Internet Protocol V6 Control
Protocol) was rejected!
tun0: Phase: deflink: IPV6CP protocol reject closes IPV6CP !
tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigReq(1) state = Req-Sent
tun0: IPCP:  IPADDR[6]
tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigAck(1) state = Req-Sent
tun0: IPCP:  IPADDR[6]
tun0: IPCP: deflink: State change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigRej(1) state = Ack-Sent
tun0: LCP: deflink: SendIdent(2) state = Opened
tun0: LCP:  MAGICNUM 00000000
tun0: LCP:  TEXT user-ppp 3.4.2 (built Jul 29 2005)
tun0: IPCP:  COMPPROTO[6] 16 VJ slots with slot compression
tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(2) state = Ack-Sent
tun0: IPCP:  IPADDR[6]
tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvCodeRej(8) state = Opened
tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigNak(2) state = Ack-Sent
tun0: IPCP:  IPADDR[6]
tun0: IPCP:  IPADDR[6] changing address:  -->
tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(3) state = Ack-Sent
tun0: IPCP:  IPADDR[6]
tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigAck(3) state = Ack-Sent
tun0: IPCP:  IPADDR[6]
tun0: IPCP: deflink: State change Ack-Sent --> Opened
tun0: IPCP: deflink: LayerUp.
tun0: IPCP: myaddr hisaddr =
PPP ON budulinek> tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvProtocolRej(9) state = Opened
tun0: LCP: deflink: -- Protocol 0x8057 (Internet Protocol V6 Control
Protocol) was rejected!
tun0: Phase: deflink: IPV6CP protocol reject closes IPV6CP !
tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvProtocolRej(10) state = Opened
tun0: LCP: deflink: -- Protocol 0x8057 (Internet Protocol V6 Control
Protocol) was rejected!
tun0: Phase: deflink: IPV6CP protocol reject closes IPV6CP !
tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvProtocolRej(11) state = Opened
tun0: LCP: deflink: -- Protocol 0x8057 (Internet Protocol V6 Control
Protocol) was rejected!
tun0: Phase: deflink: IPV6CP protocol reject closes IPV6CP !
tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvProtocolRej(12) state = Opened
tun0: LCP: deflink: -- Protocol 0x8057 (Internet Protocol V6 Control
Protocol) was rejected!
tun0: Phase: deflink: IPV6CP protocol reject closes IPV6CP

Jiří Kropáček

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