IPSec mezi dvema BSD boxy - dlouhe

Tomas Randa lists at hosting50.cz
Thu Jul 22 09:47:32 CEST 2004

Mam problem s nastavenim VPN over IPsec mezi dvema BSD. Jedno je 5.2.1
release, druhy je current.

Konfigurace je nasledovna:

	BOX1		    internet		BOX2
A.B.C.D		E.F.G.H		|	I.J.K.L		M.N.O.P

E.F.G.H a I.J.K.L jsou realne IP adresy rozhrani do internetu
A.B.C.D a M.N.O.P jsou privatni IP adresy gif rozhrani nastavene pres
ifconfig gif0 inet 

Konfigurace BOXU1:


spdadd M.N.O.P/30 A.B.C.D/32 any -P in ipsec

spdadd A.B.C.D/30 M.N.O.P/32 any -P out ipsec


remote I.J.K.L
        exchange_mode main,aggressive;
        doi ipsec_doi;
        situation identity_only;
        lifetime time 28800 sec;        # sec,min,hour
        initial_contact on;
        support_mip6 on;
        proposal_check obey;    # obey, strict or claim
        proposal {
                encryption_algorithm 3des;
                hash_algorithm sha1;
                authentication_method pre_shared_key ;
                dh_group 2 ;


I.J.K.L	secret

####################Konfigurace BOXU2:####################


spdadd A.B.C.D/30 M.N.O.P/24 any -P in ipsec
spdadd M.N.O.P/30 A.B.C.D/24 any -P out ipsec


remote E.F.G.H
        exchange_mode main,aggressive;
        doi ipsec_doi;
        situation identity_only;
        lifetime time 28800 sec;        # sec,min,hour
        initial_contact on;
        support_mip6 on;
        proposal_check obey;    # obey, strict or claim
        proposal {
                encryption_algorithm 3des;
                hash_algorithm sha1;
                authentication_method pre_shared_key ;
                dh_group 2 ;

E.F.G.H	secret

Spoustim to pres 

setkey -FP
setkey -F
setkey -f /usr/local/etc/racoon/policy.conf
/usr/local/sbin/racoon -F -v -f /usr/local/etc/racoon/racoon.conf -l

ale kdyz dam ping z BOXU1 na M.N.O.P tak neodpovida.

Take se mi objevuje tato hlaska od racoonu:

2004-07-22 09:43:08: INFO: isakmp.c:952:isakmp_ph2begin_i(): initiate
new phase 2 negotiation:[0]<=>[0]
2004-07-22 09:43:08: ERROR: pfkey.c:1076:pk_sendupdate(): libipsec
failed send update (No buffer space available)
2004-07-22 09:43:08: ERROR: isakmp_quick.c:651:quick_i2send(): pfkey
update failed.
2004-07-22 09:43:08: ERROR: isakmp.c:750:quick_main(): failed to process
2004-07-22 09:43:08: ERROR: isakmp.c:541:isakmp_main(): phase2
negotiation failed.

Neni problem v komunikaci Release - Current nebo mam neco blbe?

Diky Tomas Randa
Tomas Randa <lists at hosting50.cz>

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