pw a pass hash

Jiri jiri.b at
Sun Jun 6 23:23:53 CEST 2004

Hello users-l,

zkousel jsem pridat uzivatele pres pw a pripadne mi velmi divny (tecky)
blowfish hash (nastavil jsem si blowfish), ktery je vygenerovany. cim
to je? prvni pres adduser a passwd,
druhy pres  pw user add -n test -c "Test Testovic" -m -d /home/users/test -g users -L users -p +90d -s /bin/tcsh -h 0

hospodin:$2a$04$BU1SIMdgS5XHrumHAJ6cC.GT7EAz1Yv8.YQ07kI00WEBY7nMFlezy:1000:1001::1094320672:0:Hospodin Is The God:/home/users/

test:$2a$04$3XIyswKH..............4/cfLauIGksx7zDX8hGNsYV9kcnGMA2:1003:1001:users:1094328668:0:Test Testovic:/home/users/test:

diky za osvetleni

Best regards,
 Jiri                          mailto:jiri.b at

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