Dial-up Gateway

Zbynek Houska zbynh at seznam.cz
Sun Feb 15 11:08:22 CET 2004

On Sun, Feb 15, 2004 at 10:11:36AM +0100, Vladimír Benc wrote:
> Trochu sem premyslel a jeste me napadlo, ze pri inicializaci IPF pri 
> bootovani v podstate zadne zarizeni tun0 neexistuje a treba IPF pravidla k 
> tomuto zarizeni nejak ignoruje (a v kernelu ma standart BLOCK). Bohuzel to 
> nevysvetluje to, proc i tesne po restartu a pripojeni pousti ostatni PC 
> ven a sebe ne, ale je to asi jedine co me napadlo....
To bude asi ono, mate v /etc/rc.conf nastavene ppp? Tak aby se vam po
startu vytvorilo tun0 rozhrani. Je to -auto, viz man ppp. Me to tak

 The following modes are understood by ppp:
             ppp opens the tun interface, configures it then goes into
             background.  The link isn't brought up until outgoing data
             detected on the tun interface at which point ppp attempts
             bring up the link.  Packets received (including the first
             while ppp is trying to bring the link up will remain queued
for a
             default of 2 minutes.  See the ``set choked'' command

Takze bud nastavite poctive ppp c /etc/rc.d

# User ppp configuration.
ppp_enable="NO"         # Start user-ppp (or NO).
ppp_mode="auto"         # Choice of "auto", "ddial", "direct" or
                        # For details see man page for ppp(8). Default
                        # is auto.
ppp_nat="YES"           # Use PPP's internal network address translation
or NO.
ppp_profile="papchap"   # Which profile to use from /etc/ppp/ppp.conf.
ppp_user="root"         # Which user to run ppp as

anebo budete muset reloadovat ipfilter po pripojeni.
> Zatim dekuji za odpoved
> Vladimir Benc
> -- 
"Kirk to Enterprise -- beam down yeoman Rand and a six-pack."

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