Nabidka Intel Lancewood Server

David Navara davidconf at
Wed Feb 5 13:55:57 CET 2003

Dobry den,

rad bych nabidl k prodeji tento stroj:

Intel Lancewood Server - dual Pentium 3, SCSII RAID 5. 
- motherboard Intel L440GXC Server Board 
- osazen 1x Pentium 3 Katmai 600 MHz (Slot 1), 128MB RAM (mozno az 2GB beznych SDRAM)
- SCSII RAID controller ICP vortex GDT6128RD - Intel i960RDR CPU (RAID 5 - hotswap)
- 16GB SCSI disk IBM +  4x 8GB SCSI disk IBM
- Integrated Intel PRO/100+ Ethernet. 
- Intel Columbus III chasis. 
V provozu 3 roky s velmi mirnou zatezi.
Puvodni cena vcetne RAID controlleru 160 tis. Kc. Nyni k prodeji nejvyssi nabidce nad 30 tis. Kc.

Detaily a odkazy na stranky vyrobce:


PS: FreeBSD kompatibilni :-)
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