Roman Neuhauser neuhauser at
Thu Jan 16 11:47:46 CET 2003

# dan at / 2003-01-06 00:20:02 +0100:
> Josef Hrabec wrote, On 01/06/03 00:08:
> >pri pruchodu icmp paketu routerem se vzdy snizi jeho TTL o jednicku -
> >nevite, zda-li a jak lze nastavit jadro, aby hodnotu TTL nesnizilo?
> 	Pouze pro ICMP pakety to nelze. Pokud je jadro prelozeno s 
> 	IPSTEALTH, pak lze nastavenim jedne sysctl promenne (jemno si z hlavy 
> nepamatuju, v pripade potrebu zjistim) zajistit, ze router TTL nesnizuje 
> vubec pro zadne pakety.

    roman at freepuppy ~ 1003:0 > sysctl -a|grep ttl
    net.inet.ip.ttl: 64
    net.inet.ipf.fr_ipfrttl: 120
    net.inet.ipf.fr_minttl: 3
    net.inet.ipf.fr_minttllog: 1
    roman at freepuppy ~ 1004:0 > sysctl -a|grep stealth 
    net.inet.ip.stealth: 0
    roman at freepuppy ~ 1005:0 > 

    s ipfilter by to jit melo:

    block in quick on xl0 fastroute proto icmp from any to any

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