Vytvoreni ISO image z mirror-u, resp make release

Rehor Petr p.rehor at decros.cz
Wed Feb 21 16:05:41 CET 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Prib Pavel [mailto:p.prib at decros.cz]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 10:59 AM
> To: users-l at freebsd.cz
> Subject: Vytvoreni ISO image z mirror-u, resp make release
> Zdravim.
> Posilam jeste jednou, nebot poprve to zrejme nedoslo. Navic to jeste

> o neco rozsirim.
> Mam dotaz na postup pri vytvoreni ISO image z mirror-u nebo pomoci 
> prikazu make release "parametry", ktery by jsem pak potreboval 
> pretahnout napr. do Windows a vypalit. Nasledne z tohoto CD by jsem
> rad standardnim postupem instaloval BSD - boot CD-ROM.
> Nasel jsem jakysi popis na japonskych serverech (coz neni moc
> citelne), 
> na program mkisofs a odkaz do adresare /usr/share/examples/worm, kde

> je vzorovy skript makecdfs.sh
> Ten potrebuje boot.flp (nasel jsem), dale boot.catalog (co je jeho
> obsahem, jak se vytvori ???) a dale input-tree. Nevim co to je a jak
> se vytvori. V man-ovych strankach toho moc neni.


       -c boot_catalog
	      Specifies the path and filename of the boot catalog
	      to  be used when making an "El Torito" bootable CD.
	      The pathname must be relative to	the  source  path
	      specified  to  mkisofs.  This option is required to
	      make a bootable CD.  This file will be  created  by
	      mkisofs  in  the	source filesystem, so be sure the
	      specified filename does not conflict with an exist-
	      ing  file,  as it will be quietly overwritten! Usu-
	      ally a name like "boot.catalog" is chosen.

input-tree je podle me adresarova struktura, ktera ma byt vypalena na

Dalsi odkazy jsou treba na:
- http://www.netbsd.org/Documentation/bootcd.html
- http://www.linux.com/howto/RedHat-CD-HOWTO-6.html#ss6.1


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